SPORTident Mini Event(SIME or SIMple Event) is a program for training, score events and small events („self service“ events or special non-standard orienteering events). As SIME uses a simple text file based data format, anyone can write a program to calculate their own results (you can even use MS Excel or equivalent), and use SIME for downloading data from the SPORTident system.
These instructions describe how to work with SPORTident at training activities and small events.
SIME is a shareware program. The shareware version is limited to reading out a maximum of 5 cards.
To obtain a license please go to webpage: or contact by e-mail:
Copyright by Tarmo Klaar (Tak-Soft).
SPORTident ® is a registered trademark of AES GmbH, Arnstadt.
Start SIMESetup.exe installation file and follow the installation instructions.
Copy the license files (*.lic files with SPORTident master station serial numbers) to the program folder. Start SIME, select one event and press the “SETUP” button. Go to the “Program setup” page and enter the name in the “Club/User name” field. To check the license – connect an SI station to the computer and activate it. Select event and open “Read SI-Cards” and then open SI reading (select correct COM port and press Start). Licence information will display on the top of the readout form.
Select event folder or create new folder for event files by pressing the Add new button. Select actions from the right side button bar.
By default SIME starts in simple mode, to enable expert settings, click on Expert view button on open window.
Event name - [optional] enter the event name.
Runners file - choose the runners „database“ (start list) file.
Rent cards – [optional] enter file name, where rental cards are defined.
Date - [optional] date.
First Start Time - event start time (zero time) in HH:MM:SS format. If using training mode and SPORTident station SW version is 3.00 then the zero time is 00:00:00, if SW version is 3.10 or newer then it writes the current zone time. In event mode enter first start time.
Organiser - [optional] Event organiser name.
Course master - [optional] Course master name.
Advertisement - [optional] Advertisement on runner’s printout (homepage address, sponsorship etc). If the program is registered then this „Advertisement“ text is printed on the runner’s label.
Define the courses. Each line is one course.
Example course for M21A and M35:
Define classes before =and separate using ,. Course description is after the =and controls are separated by a ,. If some controls fail during the event, add -sign before them (for example, if control 40 doesn't work, change the course description to -40).
To add the course length, add =after the course description and then type the course length. To add leg lengths, add an additional = after the course length and type all leg lengths. Don’t forget the finish leg length! Example:
To define the open course, just write coursename before the =sign and put nothing afterwards. For the open course the program doesn't check the course. Example:
If the open course is defined, then disqualified or „did not finish“ runners automatically added to the open course with a status of OK. To comment a line, add ;mark at the start of the line.
From 4.3 version there are 5th group for control names. Control names are print to runners printout and on splittimes report header.
From version 4.5 is possible to import course descriptions from OCAD course export files. SIME supports OCAD ver 8 text file, IOF XML 2.0.3 and IOF XML 3.0 formats.
To import courses, click on Import button and select course file. Please review imported courses before event!
There is an online OCAD to SIME course converter: OCAD -> SIME Converter
Mark the checkbox Print results, if you would like to print a result label for a runner after reading his/her SI card.
Choose printer from the printers list.
Choose „Report driver“. Report drivers are specific to printers. „Standard FX“ is suitable for almost all printers - basic layout. Use A4 layout if you are using laser printer and standard A4 paper. If you are using a POS printer, then use „Generic“, „Generic Text Only“ etc Windows printer driver.
If you want to print a small label result sheet for the results display, then check „+ result label for display“.
To print directly to a SPORTident GeBe printer, select the Report driver “GEBE SPORTident COMx”. In this case SIME will print directly to the COM port. The port settings for GEBE printing are described in the file “gebe_sime_setup.txt” in the program folder.
[setup] COM=COM6 Delay=300 Baud=4800
NB! You can’t read out new cards while printing to a Gebe printer.
If the start punch is missing then you have 5 options:
If leg lengths are defined, then the leg speed is printed on the runner’s label. Options are:
Calculating points in OPEN courses – the program will calculate a runner’s points using control numbers divided by 10. E.g. control 32 gives 3 points, 59 gives 5 points and 123 gives 12 points.
Allow duplicated controls - mark this checkbox if the same control can be used more than once on the OPEN course.
o-Teams – Open course for teams. In the results report, on the OPEN course, teams are grouped together. One SI-card per team, but all team members are entered as single runners.
Change control number – if for security reasons or some special purpose the control numbers are different from the programmed numbers, use this field to enter the difference. For example in a Rogaine the control numbers start from 20, but the smallest allowed control number for a SPORTident station is 31, so use -11 in this field (Control 20 has programmed number 31).
Finish time from last control – if this feature is selected and runner dosen't have finish punch, then time from last punched control will taken as finish time and control will removed from list. This works only on cards readout.
Subtract split time from controls - - use this function to remove a control's split-time from the results. This function is used to take competitors „off the clock“, for example at a dangerous road crossing. Separate multiple control codes with a comma. Example: „Subtract split time from controls“ contains „34, 36“ and the splits are as follows:
31: 00:05:00 32: 00:07:30 33: 00:09:15 34: 00:10:15 (split time = 1 minute) 35: 00:15:00 36: 00:16:15 (split time = 1 minute and 15 seconds) 37: 00:18:00 Finish:00:20:00 (total time = 20 minutes)
Then the result will show the time as 00:17:45 (00:20:00 - 00:02:15)
HTML css file
–You can use your own HTML style file to alter the results fomat.
– you may add penalty seconds, for example if a runner’s result is disqualified for incorrect or missing controls..
Reload runners file after – If you change the runners file using another editing program, SIME can automatically reload it after X readouts. If “0”, the program reads the runners file only once (when the readout form is opened).
New feature in 4.5 version: SIME supports now live results processing. If value (N) in Reload runners file after is bigger than zero, then after N reaload SIEM will create results file (same as normal sime_result.txt file, but in UTF format) into event folder. There are example HTML file (liveresults.htm) for showing live results in event folder. Open this liveresults.htm with Internet Explorer (other browsers needs some configurations before to reading data from local computer). After N readout + 30sec, the results will be updated.
For special events, it's possible to create special results reports using result file and HTML/Javascripts.
Auto submit – if the runner’s details are in the runners file (SPORTident card number and class/course) and the course is described and the result is OK, then the runner’s result is automatically stored – there is no need to manually enter it. If “Include disqualified” is selected, then SIME records runners with a status of disqualified.
Try to find Course – if this function is selected and the runner doesn’t have a class in the runners file, then SIME tries to find the appropriate course by matching the punches and then selecting the first class defined for this course.
Print current standing in class – Prints current standing in class to runners printout.
Serial port - You may pre-select the port (COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, etc) for the SI master station. If you can't read SI cards, check:
If serial ports are defined in program setup.ini, then program using only defined list and will not search available ports.
Sample port list (setup.ini in SIME program folder):
[Setup] PortList=COM1,COM3,COM11
Some bluetooth adapters makes SIME start very slow. Solution is to use predefined serial ports.
Auto start/stop - if selected, then card reading starts automatically. If a runner's information is being manually updated then the next auto-read is prevented from overwriting the previous runner's data..
Time format HH:MM:SS – The normal split time format in SIME is MMM.SS, but for longer events you can use HH:MM:SS format.
Audio warnings – SIME can play audio files in following cases:
Read name from SI card- If the SPORTident card have information about owner, then the runners’ names are read from the card.
Read numberfrom SI card- If number (bibnumber or database number) is written to card, then the runners’ number are read from the card.
Long events (12h+) – If results are over 12 hour, select this option.
After opening the program’s reading form the following information can be seen on the statusbar:
DATA OK - all courses and default data are correct and loaded to memory
Runners – the number of runners in the database
Courses – the number of courses
OPEN - open course name, open course functionality is enabled
start time 10:00:00 - event start time is 10:00:00
Before reading cards, check the setup of the serial port and the printing settings!
NB! To move from field to field use the ENTER key.
To start reading SI cards, choose the serial port and press START (if auto-start is not checked in Setup). To read an SI card insert it into the SI master station. After an SI card is read, the form is auto-completed. If the runner is found in the database, then the name and default class are also completed. If the runner doesn't have a number (or code) then leave the number field as-is, otherwise ask for it and manually insert it. Then choose the course/class and press ENTER.
To find a number press CTRL+F on Number field and enter the runner’s name. The program will show a list of runners.
Check runner's data (name, club or information) and if everything is OK, then click on the OK button. The runner’s result will be shown in the info panel, written to the file and to the log window panel.
If you had to re-read a card or you don't want to save data to the results file then use the Restart button and read the next SI-card.
If something goes wrong while reading a card, restart by clicking the STOP and then the START buttons and then try to read the SI-card again. (First the remove card from the master station!)
Use [R] button when an SI station has failed and the competitor has punched the map instead. This will mark the control as „visited“ and reinstate the competitor as a valid finisher.
SIME Using backup reading
Backup reading is similar to ordinary SI card reading. SIME reads cards from the master station memory record by record. After reading a record the user has to choose a course and accept data as with ordinary card reading.
SIME can produce in a variety of formats:
Select individual classes or Select all to select all classes and courses, or use the Class button to select only classes, or use the Course button to select only courses and use Clear all to clear all selections. To sort list, press button Sort list.
To produce results by course, select lines with '#' + course number from list.
Report (HTML/Xml) files are written to the event folder.
To edit a runner’s results choose the appropriate row from the runners table and then double-click on the row, or press Edit or ALT+E from the keyboard. A special form will appear where you can make corrections. Save your changes by clicking Save or ALT+S on the keyboard. To remove a runner's result from the reports, set the runner’s class as „DELETED“. To remove result lines permanently press Delete.
NB! To jump from field to field use the ENTER key.
Select a row from the splits table and double-click. You may change the control number and the runner's time in control and status. If runner has punched the map (if SI station fails), then select Rfrom the status box. To save split data press ok. To recheck a course and recalculate points press the calculator icon button.
To add results manually, click Add or ALT+A from the keyboard. Insert the runner's number/code and press ENTER. If this number already exists in the runners database, then the form automatically is filled with the runner's data. Choose class, insert start and finish times, set status and check runner's data. To save the new record, press the Save button or ALT+S from the keyboard.
SIME has some built in functions for repairing results automatically.
To know how many runners are still in the forest use SIME compare. Start SI readout, press button Read out and put the Start station onto the SI master station. SIME reads start punches and compares them against the results file. Start records without a match are shown in red. You may print out a list of SI-cards that do not appear in the results.
Both file types are comma delimited files. You may edit these files with other programs, like Notepad or spreadsheet programs MS Excel, Open Office, MS works etc. Also you can use other event handling software.
Example file:
1;305305;Tarmo;Klaar;OK Ilves;H21;10:10:00 2;291238;Mr.;Bean;England;H35;10:00:00
Fields are separated by “;”, file type is „Comma Separated File“ (CSV). Fields:
Example file:
3972;305713;Rauno;Metsis;OK North;VALIK;01:16:52;C;18;14:42:40;34;?;14:51:30;35;?;14:57:42;44;?;15:01:12;42;?;15:33:31;41;?;15:52:46;15:59:32; 1143;305305;Tarmo;Forest;Ilves;VALIK;01:52:46;C;58;14:10:47;41;?;14:16:53;31;?;14:19:39;32;?;14:22:57;42;?;14:28:18;43;?;14:32:00;51;?;14:46:26;52;?;15:00:45;61;?;15:11:14;53;?;15:22:34;60;?;15:31:32;44;?;15:42:09;35;?;15:45:53;33;?;15:51:53;34;?;15:54:06;16:03:33; 161;406050;Jon;Don;AUT;VALIK;02:02:18;C;64;14:00:18;41;?;14:04:30;31;?;14:07:12;32;?;14:10:36;42;?;14:18:36;43;?;14:22:19;63;?;14:34:39;51;?;14:46:30;52;?;14:58:45;61;?;15:07:53;60;?;15:18:33;53;?;15:26:48;44;?;15:39:13;35;?;15:42:43;34;?;15:48:58;33;?;15:51:13;16:02:36; 3709;305725;Tiit;South;Ilves;H21;01:49:15;C;64;14:01:57;41;?;14:06:05;31;?;14:08:58;32;?;14:13:29;42;?;14:19:35;43;?;14:22:13;63;?;14:37:41;51;?;14:49:11;53;?;14:58:09;52;?;15:07:02;61;?;15:13:48;60;?;15:24:35;44;?;15:33:39;35;?;15:36:52;34;?;15:40:53;33;?;15:42:37;15:51:12; 1665;305503;Tina;Flower;Ilves;D21;01:53:01;C;58;14:10:36;41;?;14:17:01;31;?;14:19:44;32;?;14:22:59;42;?;14:28:19;43;?;14:32:02;51;?;14:46:29;52;?;15:00:51;61;?;15:11:20;53;?;15:22:39;60;?;15:31:47;44;?;15:42:15;35;?;15:46:00;33;?;15:51:59;34;?;15:54:08;16:03:37;
All fields are separated by ; , file type is „Comma Separated File“ (CSV).
If time format is **:**:**, then this control is not working and you should check if the runner has punched the map. If the either the start or finish time appears as: ??:??:??, then that time is missing from the SI card.
The rented cards file is a simple text file, with one card number per line:
345786 345882 345222
Print layout files are in the program folder with the extension .SPD. Layout files are simple text files that can be edited with NOTEPAD. These files describe the layout of the results sheets.
There are some sample files included with the program.
All printer commands have to be in decimal format and typed using 3 characters. If a printer command uses multiple bytes, then separate these with commas. Usually printer commands are described in a printer’s technical documentation. You may delete unwanted configuration lines.
There are 2 sections:
1.[Common] - Printer command instruction
Description - Name of this layout Initialize - printer initialisation codes CharacterSet - codes to select printer character set BigFont - to set big font/heading font NormalFont - normal font codes SplitsFont - font codes for split times EndCut - end-of-sheet code (for example cutting code for printers with a sheet cutting mechanism) LabelCut - small format results labels (to hang out on a cord for example) LinesBeforeEnd - how many empty lines are printed before end of the sheet LinesBeforeLabel - The number of blank lines at the start of a label LinesAfterLabel - The number of blank lines at the end of a label SplitsColumns -- number of columns for split times ResultsInOneLine - 0, if start, finish and results are printed on separate lines; 1- if results are printed on one line.
2.[convert] - this section describes character conversion.
where nr, number of conversion line, From ASCII code from application will be converted To printer code.
Example (Standard FX):
' SIME layout driver for POS printers ' [Common] Description=Standard FX printer Initialize=027,064 CharacterSet=027,082,002 NormalFont=027,080 BigFont= SplitsFont= ' Paper end or paper cut code EndCut= ' cut between main and additional label LabelCut= ' line feeds LinesBeforeEnd=2 LinesBeforeLabel=1 LinesAfterLabel=4 ' Results are SplitsColums=1 ' Results are in 1(=1) or 3(=0) rows ResultsInOneLine=0 ' Speed kmh=km/h minkm=min/km ' splittimes printout format PrintSplitsFormat=%2d%s(%3d) %8s%6s %s PrintFinishFormat= F. %8s%6s %s ' converting special charaters ' Character code are decimals numbers ' from>to [convert] 'ü 1=252>123 'õ 2=245>124 'ö 3=246>124 'ä 4=228>123 'Ü 5=220>93 'Õ 6=213>92 'Ö 7=214>92 'Ä 8=196>91
.protHeader { background-color: #191970; color: Yellow; font-weight: bold; font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace; } .r1 { background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace; } .r0 { background-color: #FFFF99; font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace; } h2 { color: Red; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14pt; } body { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; } a, a:link, a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: Navy; } a:focus, a:hover, a:active { text-decoration: underline; color: Red; } h5 { font-size: 12pt; color: Teal; outline-color: Black; outline-width: 1px; outline-style: solid; overflow: hidden; }